曖 昧 な 存 在 の 行 方
氏 と 霧 蝶
Mr. K and Fog-Clad Butterflies
序章 / prologue
The Future of the Ambiguous Existence
Set in a mountain cottage, this omnibus work depicts the ambiguous existence woven with the forest, people, and the environment of Karuizawa.
The COVID-19 situation is currently forcing us to maintain physical distance from other people. However, this of course does not mean that the connection among existences has been lost. We are trying to feel the existence of other people in all sorts of ways. This kind of ambiguity of existences is currently spreading like thin fog.
Papillon de brouillard
第一章 /chapterⅠ
In fall, Karuizawa serves as the home of a traveling butterfly named the chestnut tiger, which arrives in droves. Karuizawa is also a place that is enveloped in fog for more than 100 days during the year. The butterflies appear in the forest temporarily but they eventually leave the forest to continue their journey. The same is true of fog. Though unseeable, these existences unquestionably leave their trace or impact on the environment. For this exhibition, I am displaying an installation titled Fog-Clad Butterflies, a work using native plants of Karuizawa, as a metaphor of Karuizawa’s nature.
第二章 /chapterⅡ
Maison de K
今回の作品の舞台である” Kの家 ”は、K氏が46年前に建てた小さな山荘である。この山荘は、非常にシンプルな構造をもち、通過性が高く、自然に寄り添うように設計されている。平家で廊下はなく三つの部屋だけがある( 建築された当初は二部屋だった )。しかしここには自然と接する中間領域としての大きなテラスが存在感を示す。私は、自然の森にこのような家を構想したK氏という人物に興味を抱いた。そして残されたK氏のパートナーである季子さんにK氏についてのインタビューを行った(残念ながらK氏は30年前に他界されている)。
Going on to the next display, K’s house, the setting of the works for this exhibition, is a small mountain cottage built by Mr. K 46 years ago. Having an extremely simple structure, this mountain cottage was designed to have good natural ventilation and to coexist with nature. It is a single-story cottage with only three rooms and no hallway (Originally, it was built as a two-room cottage.). Instead, the cottage has a large terrace as an intermediary area that connects with nature. I was intrigued by Mr. K, a man who designed a house like this in a natural forest. Accordingly, I interviewed Toshiko, Mr. K’s bereaved partner, about him (Unfortunately, Mr. K passed away 30 years ago.). Toshiko described him as a man who “loved the forest and was always disappointed to see the forest being changed thoughtlessly.” I strongly felt this sentiment a few times while I was repairing K’s house. It seemed to me that Mr. K was like a butterfly that suddenly appeared in the fog to convey a message. The life of Mr. K in the forest, as described so far, is introduced as a video using the photographs of old albums.
終章 /epilogue
最後に森と人間が作り出す環境の姿の一端として写真作品を展示する。 1974年、Kの家は建築され、その後46年間に渡り森は開発され変容し続けた。今から30年ほど前までKの家の坂を下った場所は、広々とした水田だった。山荘にいても農夫たちの楽しげな歌声が聞こえてきたと季子さんは語る。しかし、高度成長期、軽井沢は空前のテニスブームとなり、水田も当たり前のようにアスファルトのテニスコートへと様変わりした。それから数十年が経った現在、ブームはすっかりなりを潜め、自然の苔が誰も使用しなくなったテニスコートを覆っている。またKの家から歩いて5分程度の場所に建築廃材が集積された場所がある。そこには伐採された巨大な枯れ木の山がそびえ立つ。しかし今回、この場所を訪れた時、そのような場所にも再生した一群の露草の澄んだ青が光っていた。
Finally, photographs are displayed as part of the state of an environment created by a forest and humans. After K’s house was built in 1974, the forest kept changing throughout the past 46 years as a result of being developed by humans. The area at the bottom of the slope of K’s house used to be a vast rice paddy until roughly 30 years ago. Toshiko recalled that they could hear the farmers sing joyfully even in their cottage. However, tennis became an unprecedented fad in Karuizawa during the Japanese economic miracle and rice paddies, as a matter of course, transformed into tennis courts made with asphalt. Several decades later, the fad has passed and the abandoned tennis courts are currently covered with moss. Also, when you walk for about 5 minutes from K’s house, you reach a place where construction waste is piled up. When you get there, a gigantic mountain of cut dead trees towers over you. Still, when I arrived at the place on my recent visit, I was greeted by the radiant clear blue of a cluster of dayflowers that had begun to grow again even at such a seemingly lifeless place.
Fog, butterflies, Mr. K, the forest, and us.
I wonder where we each and every existence are headed while we continue overlapping and passing through each other as time passes.
Fog, butterflies, Mr. K, the forest, and us.
36°33'38.75" 138°60'73.75"
naO Kimura